Maternity Belly Painting
Belly painting is a new way to celebrate your magnificent 'Bump' which is becoming an increasingly popular trend during the last trimester of pregnancy. Nothing is more beautiful than your pregnant belly, or more interesting than the expectancy of the unborn child within. Don't let this precious stage of your life slip away without encapsulating the rare moment of growth on your camera. Your colourfully painted artistic creation will provide you with great moments that you will be able to share with your loved-ones, forever. And after the paint has washed away - you will still be left with precious memories and photographs to last a lifetime! Your Baby Bump Painting masterpiece will be performed in the comfort of your own home, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Close family members are welcome to stay to capture this memorable experience. Painting takes about an hour and a half depending on the design detail.
It also makes a perfect baby shower gift.
It also makes a perfect baby shower gift.